Monday, August 31, 2009


It's been... FIVE months since I've posted anything to this blog. OY, I'm sorry. It's been a rather insane few months. Between family emergencies and getting the kids back to school it's been hard to remember where I'm supposed to be and when.

On top of that I decided that I didn't have enough to do so I started a home jewelry/do-dad/what-nots business. Pixie's Pretties went live this last week. Basically it's a way to take my love of beads, jewelry making stuff and reading and make money off of it. Needless to say, my hubby is happy that all that craft "stuff" in the other room is being put to use (or put out to pasture).

I just sent almost all of my product off to my sister in Colorado (where she sells it in her booth each weekend) and left almost nothing for myself to post to my Etsy account. *sigh* I do have some stuff, but the big stuff I sent off to her. Guess that means I have to make more... LOL

So how has everyone been? Is anyone still stopping in occasionally? Hopefully, I'll finally get back into the swing of things and be a productive member of society again. LOL. Hope everyone is well. :-D