Friday, June 20, 2008

Blog? What Blog? I have a Blog?

HOLY CANNOLI, Batman! Where did the time go? Yes, yes, I has been quite some time since I've deigned to grace Blogger with my presence.

We have recently revamped The Long and Short of It review site. Well, Judy decreed it, Marianne revamped it, and I did a bunch of the grunt work. As you could probably guess... I have been uber busy over there. We've been building web pages and I've been helping with pages, writing reviews and other general AABH "stuff". So... so, sorry for being incommunicado these last few weeks.

Yes, it was on the 4th (Thanks! :*) Amy, and it was a BIG one birthday with a 0 at the end of it. Although I have been informed by The Goddess, The Fish and Mini-M that I am still a baby. :::rolling eyes::: As far as I am concerned, age is a number, and I'm as young as I feel. My Gramma Jan used to say that all the time, and I have always agreed with her. So, some days I feel 20 others I feel... 60 (those are the aches and pains days when I wonder why in the world I love dancing so much) when I snap, crackle and pop when I get up from bed in the morning.

As for raising boys: If. One. More. Person. Tells me that it's "easier" to raise boys than it is girls... I'm gonna scream and hand my boys over to them for the day and see how easy THEY think it is then. Boys just do things differently, they think differently. And I had to laugh at your comment on 13! We used to say that 8 (well now 9 as today was his b-day) so, 9 used to walk with his face! Now I have days where 3 runs screaming through the house with 6 in hot pursuit screaming, "Give it back, that's not yours!" and they stay just out of my reach while I'm feeding/snuggling/bonding with the baby. Is it mean that I trip them and then make them listen to what I have to say on this matter? Not to mention the times we have been sitting quietly watching a movie, and one will punch the other for no reason. Just POW, upside the head. When asked, "What in the world was that all about?" the usual response is something along the lines of... "Ummm... because?" Cheeky little monkeys. And, baby will be known as 0 until he turns one. There that's taken care of. OH, and 8 will be 9 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FIRSTBORN!)

Marianne... I am POSITIVE that you *snicker* you just don't do it where I can SEE it! Come on Judy... :::whiny foot stomp::: You KNOW she snickers... we just can't hear her over the internet. And she won't type it where we can see it. I know, KNOW she does it, and you will NEVAH convince me otherwise. (can y'all tell my meds are kicking in finally?)

So, Today was 8's birthday so he's now 9. He is such a goober and he is so unique. For the boys' birthdays, if it falls in the middle of the week and we are throwing them a party on a later day, then we don't have a huge party for them. BUT we DO make sure that they know their day is very important to us as a family. So they usually get to pick lunch and dinner for that day. Today, my child did not pick hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, mac 'n' cheese or any other "kid" food. He wanted RIBS. YAY, I didn't have to choke down a birthday dinner because it was what my kids wanted. Also, he didn't want a cake, he only wanted ice cream... so that is what he blew out his candle on... in a very... boyishly, grossly, unique way:

Yep... that's right, he blew it out with his nose! How gross is that? I'm so glad that I didn't want any bubble gum ice cream! LOL Yup... boys will be boys will be boys.

Last time's kiddie quote was from 3, he had laryngitis... so his voice was broken.

Kiddie Quote this time:

"I made ten poops!!" No, I'm not kidding.

That's all for now... I'm tired.


Marianne Arkins said...

Here's my sage opinion on raising boys vs. girls:

I think boys are HARDER when they're young, and easier when they're older.

I think girls are the opposite...


But, hey, what do I know? I don't have boys...

Briana said...

I have a boy and a girl. My girl is getting to be extremely difficult. My boy does boy stuff, gross and loud, and full of extreme energy. My girl, sigh, is tempermental, emotional and just plain difficult.

Anonymous said...

He blew the candle out with his nose?

OMG! He's such a BOY.