Monday, June 23, 2008

Birthdays, Baptisms, Anniversaries and Accidental Porn

So, in response to Marianne, Bri and Amy:

M~ & Bri~ I only know about girls from growing up with mostly sisters (and my brother is a step so... he wasn't around much) so I can only say, "What do I know, I only have boys!" LOL I think that both sexes have their own unique issues and challenges, and there's always gonna be something to make you say, "Boys!" or "Girls!" with a huge sigh.

Amy~ YES! I know, right! And as you can see... he was laughing the ENTIRE time. He knew I was grossed out and he snickered the whole way. It doesn't help any that DH eggs him on just as badly as the other boys. :::rolling eyes:::

So, this has been a super busy week for us. Well, a super busy month, but this weekend has been the busiest.

June and October are when we have the most birthdays and special occasions. Just this weekend we had oldest DSs birthday, my wedding anniversary, and my best friend's son was baptised. So, we were running around A LOT and I didn't get anything done.

So, we didn't really celebrate DSs birthday yet. He got the ice cream and a small present, but we didn't do the big To-Do yet. He wanted to have his party at Chuck E. Cheese. So, he'll get more stuff then... lol. That will be a busy weekend too.

For our anniversary my DH took me to a really nice restaurant with the most... *sigh*... delicious food! And I got to dress up (I'll post the picture of my purty dress and me and DH below) and DH dressed up, and we left the kids with my parents. As we were leaving the restaurant, and couple who had been sitting a few tables over from us was leaving as well. They gave us the nicest compliment.

"I'm sorry to be nosy," the man said. "But, did you two just get married?"

We had to laugh. "Um, no this is our anniversary."

The guy was confused, "So, um, you're newlyweds though? Like only one year?"

How sweet, right? "Nope, this is seven years."

"Wow, we could have sworn you were newlyweds!"

Now, while I thought that was sweet, I also kind of thought that it was sad. Why should only newlyweds hold hands and want to touch each other and talk to each other and share their meals? Am I the only one who feels this way? I personally LIKE spending time with my DH. Why marry someone who you don't want to be around? Why STAY married to someone you don't want to be around? Anyway, I learned it from my parents. The most common thing heard in my house growing up... "Ick, get a room you two!" My parents thought it was hilarious and informed us that one day we would appreciate it. *sigh* My parents were right again... dangit!

Just don't tell them I said so.

Okay, here's my dress:

Yes, I'm standing on a table... I HATE my carpet. But, that's another blog! LOL

And this is the two of us at the restaurant:


So, I'm sure you're wondering about this "accidental porn" that I mentioned above. Um... hmm... have you ever seen a sign, or a food or a toy that just didn't look right? It looks like something sexual to you? Now, maybe my mind is in the gutter a lot... okay, no maybe there, but still I seem to notice these things in a lot more places than one would think. My DH is MUCH worse about it than me, which is why we get along so well! :-D

So, these signs are up all over town. And my parents didn't see it the way DH and I saw it. I guess I'll let you be the judge:

Does anyone else see it? It's not just me, right?

So, that's all for today. I just wanted to give everyone an update on my insanely crazy weekend. :-D

Friday, June 20, 2008

Blog? What Blog? I have a Blog?

HOLY CANNOLI, Batman! Where did the time go? Yes, yes, I has been quite some time since I've deigned to grace Blogger with my presence.

We have recently revamped The Long and Short of It review site. Well, Judy decreed it, Marianne revamped it, and I did a bunch of the grunt work. As you could probably guess... I have been uber busy over there. We've been building web pages and I've been helping with pages, writing reviews and other general AABH "stuff". So... so, sorry for being incommunicado these last few weeks.

Yes, it was on the 4th (Thanks! :*) Amy, and it was a BIG one birthday with a 0 at the end of it. Although I have been informed by The Goddess, The Fish and Mini-M that I am still a baby. :::rolling eyes::: As far as I am concerned, age is a number, and I'm as young as I feel. My Gramma Jan used to say that all the time, and I have always agreed with her. So, some days I feel 20 others I feel... 60 (those are the aches and pains days when I wonder why in the world I love dancing so much) when I snap, crackle and pop when I get up from bed in the morning.

As for raising boys: If. One. More. Person. Tells me that it's "easier" to raise boys than it is girls... I'm gonna scream and hand my boys over to them for the day and see how easy THEY think it is then. Boys just do things differently, they think differently. And I had to laugh at your comment on 13! We used to say that 8 (well now 9 as today was his b-day) so, 9 used to walk with his face! Now I have days where 3 runs screaming through the house with 6 in hot pursuit screaming, "Give it back, that's not yours!" and they stay just out of my reach while I'm feeding/snuggling/bonding with the baby. Is it mean that I trip them and then make them listen to what I have to say on this matter? Not to mention the times we have been sitting quietly watching a movie, and one will punch the other for no reason. Just POW, upside the head. When asked, "What in the world was that all about?" the usual response is something along the lines of... "Ummm... because?" Cheeky little monkeys. And, baby will be known as 0 until he turns one. There that's taken care of. OH, and 8 will be 9 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FIRSTBORN!)

Marianne... I am POSITIVE that you *snicker* you just don't do it where I can SEE it! Come on Judy... :::whiny foot stomp::: You KNOW she snickers... we just can't hear her over the internet. And she won't type it where we can see it. I know, KNOW she does it, and you will NEVAH convince me otherwise. (can y'all tell my meds are kicking in finally?)

So, Today was 8's birthday so he's now 9. He is such a goober and he is so unique. For the boys' birthdays, if it falls in the middle of the week and we are throwing them a party on a later day, then we don't have a huge party for them. BUT we DO make sure that they know their day is very important to us as a family. So they usually get to pick lunch and dinner for that day. Today, my child did not pick hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, mac 'n' cheese or any other "kid" food. He wanted RIBS. YAY, I didn't have to choke down a birthday dinner because it was what my kids wanted. Also, he didn't want a cake, he only wanted ice cream... so that is what he blew out his candle on... in a very... boyishly, grossly, unique way:

Yep... that's right, he blew it out with his nose! How gross is that? I'm so glad that I didn't want any bubble gum ice cream! LOL Yup... boys will be boys will be boys.

Last time's kiddie quote was from 3, he had laryngitis... so his voice was broken.

Kiddie Quote this time:

"I made ten poops!!" No, I'm not kidding.

That's all for now... I'm tired.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Because... They're BOYS!!!

ACK... where did the time go? It just flew by! I feel all discombobulated... I hate when I tell myself that I have to do something, but it doesn't happen and then I feel all sorts of unorganized. GAH... it's been forever since I posted. *sigh*

Things have been absolutely insane around here. Between getting ready for the end of the school year, helping out on the websites, reviewing, reading (yeah I know not really a priority...but I DO review so there), baby stuff and now I have a cold, it's just utterly crazy around here.

Just got home from dinner at my parent's house, and decided that I was going to sit down while I was still coherent and actually get a blog post out. Dinner was nice, and Mom and Dad decided that they were giving me my birthday present tonight since they won't see me on Wednesday. I received a very lovely pair of amethyst earrings and a silver bracelet. I'm so spoiled... lol. Mom said cuz it's a "big" birthday and I needed something special. Okay, who am I to argue with jewelry?

June is a big month for us: My birthday, the boys get out of school, my oldest DSs birthday, and our anniversary. Needless to say, we keep busy.


So, we had ourselves a bit of a to-do while I was not posting... lol. Our three year old (I think I'm gonna take a page from Amy's book and call them by their ages, although what would the baby be? 0? anyway...), had a bit of a mishap... with quite a bit of help from his older brother.

Yup, that's right... he got a black eye. Apparently, when they were supposed to be cleaning up the mess they made of their dirty laundry by dumping it all over the room, they decided to rough-house instead. Three got into the dirty clothes hamper and Six pushed it over... landing Three face first into the wall.

Now, when I lamented that I didn't understand WHY they did things like this, Marianne gently reminded me... with much snickering... that they were BOYS! Answer enough. *sigh* At least this shenanigan didn't require a trip to the emergency room.

Gladly the black eye faded rather quickly and no one looked at me like I beat my kids once they saw my gaggle of boys frolicking along behind me!


You Are 32% Gross

You're a tad gross, but generally you're a clean, hygienic person.

No one can be perfectly clean all the time, and it's better to be human than a neat freak.

I have to say, I think I'm grosser since I've had kids...

Kiddie Quote

The last one came from my six-year old. I'm happy to say, HE will eat a salad and is more likely to ask for an apple or banana before he asks for candy or fruit snacks.

This time's Kiddie Quote is:

"Oh, no! My laugh is broken!"