Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's up and it's so PURTY

Okay, my shop went live last week. And I've been spending this time trying to figure out how this all works. So I've added a few book marks, a few bracelets, and some cell phone charms. Just to see what gets the most attention.

Also, my dear dear friends over at GoddessFish Promotions did my banners for me. They are gorgeous. Judy the Banner Goddess rocks! This is going to go at the top of my blog here so everyone can see. :-D :

The rest of my life has been... interesting. But that is for another day.

Monday, August 31, 2009


It's been... FIVE months since I've posted anything to this blog. OY, I'm sorry. It's been a rather insane few months. Between family emergencies and getting the kids back to school it's been hard to remember where I'm supposed to be and when.

On top of that I decided that I didn't have enough to do so I started a home jewelry/do-dad/what-nots business. Pixie's Pretties went live this last week. Basically it's a way to take my love of beads, jewelry making stuff and reading and make money off of it. Needless to say, my hubby is happy that all that craft "stuff" in the other room is being put to use (or put out to pasture).

I just sent almost all of my product off to my sister in Colorado (where she sells it in her booth each weekend) and left almost nothing for myself to post to my Etsy account. *sigh* I do have some stuff, but the big stuff I sent off to her. Guess that means I have to make more... LOL

So how has everyone been? Is anyone still stopping in occasionally? Hopefully, I'll finally get back into the swing of things and be a productive member of society again. LOL. Hope everyone is well. :-D

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm Here...

I have just been super busy lately. I apologize to anyone who is still following my blog. It has been insane around here lately, and now I have health issues that are making it hard to keep up with everything I've set myself up to do. LOL

I'm trying to get caught back up, so bear with me if you're still around.

Aside from my health stuff, everyone is doing well. The boys are getting bigger and life is still as interesting as ever. The baby is one year old now, and it's just so amazing how different each child can be one from the other. The older boys are all growing like weeds and I can hardly keep them clothed before they grow out of everything. They're eating me out of house and home... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Gah, I have no idea how to get caught up, but I'll try over the next few weeks to do just that. I know, I know, I stink at this... hopefully I'll get better. :-D

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday Thirteen ~ Interesting Things I've Learned...

13 Interesting Things I've Learned as the Mother of BOYS!!!

They are in no particular order, only as they came to me. Enjoy!

1. I. Can't. Have. Nice. Things. ~ That's right, nice things can NOT survive in my house for more than several days at a time.

2. A 9-year-old pretending to surf can completely wreck a metal bunkbed. Yes, a METAL bunkbed. Destroyed... no fixing it.

3. It's okay for them to laugh and joke about farts, burps and other bodily functions... but I am not allowed to tell my dance students to smell their toes in order to show how they need to stretch. "Eww, Mommy! That's GROSS!" Go figure.

4. Sour milk or apple juice will not kill them. It does however upset MY stomach when I figure out that they drank it.

5. Even toy power tools can drill a hole in my wall. Apparently, all the child needs is determination... and a mother dealing with a younger sibling.

6. Even kiddie craft scissors can give a child a reverse mohawk.

7. A sugar spoon found in the sugar tub (for cooking) was NOT used to sprinkle sugar over the morning cereal... it was used to eat the sugar directly from the source.

8. Even FOAM pirate swords can break skin if swung hard enough.

9. Yo-yos work much better as a weapon than a toy (You ever seen someone swing one around their head until it clobbers another person? NO? Come to my house, just remember to duck).

10. A laptop is surprisingly resilient when faced with a curious 7-1/2 year-old holding a screwdriver. And in the same vein... I can literally blow steam from my ears.

11. A determined barefoot child can shimmy up a doorjamb with nothing but his fingers and toes to propel him... and THEN proceed to hang from the top of the doorjamb until someone else walks into the room.

12. A two year old can hogtie himself with nothing more than a necklace of beads.

13. A tiny little bouncy-ball can wreak an amazing amount of havoc if bounced hard enough.

So, that is my very first TT, hope y'all enjoyed it.