Monday, June 2, 2008

Because... They're BOYS!!!

ACK... where did the time go? It just flew by! I feel all discombobulated... I hate when I tell myself that I have to do something, but it doesn't happen and then I feel all sorts of unorganized. GAH... it's been forever since I posted. *sigh*

Things have been absolutely insane around here. Between getting ready for the end of the school year, helping out on the websites, reviewing, reading (yeah I know not really a priority...but I DO review so there), baby stuff and now I have a cold, it's just utterly crazy around here.

Just got home from dinner at my parent's house, and decided that I was going to sit down while I was still coherent and actually get a blog post out. Dinner was nice, and Mom and Dad decided that they were giving me my birthday present tonight since they won't see me on Wednesday. I received a very lovely pair of amethyst earrings and a silver bracelet. I'm so spoiled... lol. Mom said cuz it's a "big" birthday and I needed something special. Okay, who am I to argue with jewelry?

June is a big month for us: My birthday, the boys get out of school, my oldest DSs birthday, and our anniversary. Needless to say, we keep busy.


So, we had ourselves a bit of a to-do while I was not posting... lol. Our three year old (I think I'm gonna take a page from Amy's book and call them by their ages, although what would the baby be? 0? anyway...), had a bit of a mishap... with quite a bit of help from his older brother.

Yup, that's right... he got a black eye. Apparently, when they were supposed to be cleaning up the mess they made of their dirty laundry by dumping it all over the room, they decided to rough-house instead. Three got into the dirty clothes hamper and Six pushed it over... landing Three face first into the wall.

Now, when I lamented that I didn't understand WHY they did things like this, Marianne gently reminded me... with much snickering... that they were BOYS! Answer enough. *sigh* At least this shenanigan didn't require a trip to the emergency room.

Gladly the black eye faded rather quickly and no one looked at me like I beat my kids once they saw my gaggle of boys frolicking along behind me!


You Are 32% Gross

You're a tad gross, but generally you're a clean, hygienic person.

No one can be perfectly clean all the time, and it's better to be human than a neat freak.

I have to say, I think I'm grosser since I've had kids...

Kiddie Quote

The last one came from my six-year old. I'm happy to say, HE will eat a salad and is more likely to ask for an apple or banana before he asks for candy or fruit snacks.

This time's Kiddie Quote is:

"Oh, no! My laugh is broken!"


Marianne Arkins said...

Snickering? Ha.. I don't snicker... nope, not me...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! That's today, right? And by big birthday, it must be one of the ones that ends in Zero. I love those birthdays.

Jewelry is always good.

LOL on the Because They're BOYS! I never bought that boys-will-be-boys argument until I had...boys!

When 13 was a toddler, he didn't move through space so much as fling himself through it.

As far as what to call the baby when identifying by age: I would use 0. In fact, when my little sister has her baby this fall, s/he will be referred to as 0 on the blog. Until s/he is 1, of course.

Judy said...

Marianne doesn't snicker.... she snorts :-)