Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Home At Last!!!

Oy!! Traveling with kids is hard enough... try doing it when two are sick! When we left for our trip, our five-year old had a bit of a cough and a stuffy nose... our first night at the in-laws his cough had worsened and he was running a low-grade fever. The second night our three-year old started with the coughing, though thankfully no fever. Add in a two-month old baby and you may start to understand how my nights have been! NO SLEEP! Not that I really sleep all that much, but what I do get is so very precious to me. What REALLY sucked? During the day the ickies weren't as prevalent. So, we had three boys running wild through the house and an infant doing... well infant stuff. This was supposed to be a "relaxing fun trip to visit the grandparents." *snort* Yeah... uh huh... who is DH kidding? He's not the one with a migraine, sleep deprivation (because he can sleep through an atomic blast most nights), frazzled nerves (he kept escaping to his grandparents' place directly behind his parents'), and a nail that tore down to the quick! :::deep breath::: But, at last we're home!

Whew... now that's off my chest I can do my little happy dance! Which includes but is not limited to: The Cabbage Patch, the booty shake and a lot of nonsense that would absolutely horrify all my previous dance teachers!

As I've been catching up on emails and doing what AABH work I can for LASR and WC I got some lovely news. Hmmm... that doesn't really portray my excitement. How about this: SQUEEEEE!!!! I did it, I finally got up the nerve and submitted two of my short stories to The Long and Short of It and I got news that they will be publishing one to their site next Thursday, March 27th. WOO HOO!!! Another step in the happy dance! My other story was well received, but was an Easter themed one and they already had a story slotted for Easter week. But, if I'd like to rewrite it for another holiday, they'll take another look at it! Well, at least I finally got up the nerve to put it out there, and it paid off.

Then, when I got home, I had a lovely present waiting in my mailbox! I bugged an author friend, Kimberly Dean, from a message board for her newest release... to review of course! And there it was, all nice and shiny in my mailbox when I got back from this super stressful trip! *grins* I have no problem whatsoever bugging my favorite authors (mostly of the Erotic Romance genre) for their newest releases! It helps a great deal that they are all so very sweet and send their stuff right along! I LOVE being a reviewer!

Alright, in regards to the last kiddie quote: I still have no idea what my five-year old meant when he said there was a museum called Monkey Brains. To this day he denies saying it, and has professed to have no idea what I'm talking about.

Today's kiddie quote, this one from my three-year old:

"Did you get a toy with yours?" (I shake my head) "Oh, you didn't eat all your food!"

Well, I've nattered on enough I think. OH! Marianne and Judy... I didn't tell anyone! Don't feel left out! But, I'm sorry you found out secondhand, lol.


Briana said...

Hey you have a blog. Ha ha...I knew first sorry M and M and Ms. judy...but I her sissy, she told me first. I of course did not write it down, so was unable to visit. Some sister I am.

Judy said...

Well... at least she told you ;-) At least I visited first!! That counts for something... lol.

Glad you are home :-)