Saturday, March 15, 2008

Traveling... with kids!

Been trying to pack the last few days for a quick trip to introduce the new baby to DH's grandparents. I keep forgetting how much longer it takes me to pack with all the kids running around. They keep saying they want to help, but their idea of help, and my idea of help are SO different! *sigh* So here I sit, with a baby on my lap, and three boys "helping" (code for making a bigger mess). Can you say frustration? Ah well, here's hoping we get on the road in a decent amount of time.

Now, we'll have to see how well the littlest one travels. It's always SO MUCH FUN to travel with children (can you sense my sarcasm here?). My favorite is when I hear from the back, "Mommy, he's touching me!" or "He's breathing on me!" What can I possibly do about that one? "Son, hold your breath so you don't annoy your brother!" All I can say is thank goodness for portable DVD players and Gameboys. I know, I know... nowadays we're all spoiled. You know what I have to say to those naysayers? Ttthhhhppppppttt! (<<<----- that is me blowing raspberries) You try to travel anywhere from 5 to 11 hours with four boys in the backseat! Boys are not quiet children... they HAVE to move. They can't sit still for very long without bugging one another. Don't get me wrong... LOVE my kids, just adore them, but they DO try my patience.

I finally did it! I actually sat down and got some writing done. Granted it was a short story, but I actually did it. Still have four or five reviews to finish writing, and am plugging away at reading a Historical Romance from a publisher that failed to warn us that it was an EPIC Historical Romance! 700 pages! In small typeface... it's taking me FOREVER to read it! Great story, fantastic characters, just very involved.

~~ Okay, here's the story behind the last Kiddie Quote. My DH and I love to pick on our kids... that's a parent's job isn't it? Being boys, they of course have an abundance of GI Joe dolls. *snicker* Gets 'em every time...

"They're not DOLLS! They're ACTION FIGURES!!!!!"
"But they have accessories... dolls have accessories." (very reasonable right?)
"Aargh! Those are NOT accessories. Those are weapons!" (I so love my job as a mom)
"So, tell me... what is the difference between a doll and an action figure?"
After much consideration, for this is obviously a serious question, my five year old gave the answer. "Dolls have cooties... action figures have muscles!" Well, I guess that settles that! LOL

So, todays Kiddie Quote:

"There's a museum called 'monkey brains'!"

Huh? I guess I'll explain that one next time... as soon as I figure it out myself.

Well, I'll check back in when I get back. Hope everyone has a great Spring Break.


Judy said...

I am SO glad you have a blog!!!! Of course, it would have been nice if SOMEBODY had let me know.. sniff, sniff... I bet M and M knew....

Marianne Arkins said...

No, Judy...

M and m did NOT know.
